Thursday, June 5, 2014


Global warming is an issue the 21ST generation should ignore at own peril. Global climate scientists have kept those who may want to hear duly informed about the drastically changing climate patterns and the expected effects. Ignorance to counteract and make aware all humanity may have shocking consequences in the future.

Population growth and this global monster are conjoined at the hip. A fulfilling life of tomorrows’ generation is at the stake unless we act now. Large masses are at risk. Time is ripe for nations to tame the spiralling human growth or try avert the factors fuelling faster warming of the planet. To nip the growth factor bud, democracy, equality and religion are critical. Democracy at its best promotes livelihoods. It calls for economic power across all groups of people, in a stable and conducive environment. Such a power demands inputs of population controls and checks to be sustainable. Democracy makes health information available, costless, cheap and efficient.

Women, being more vulnerable to exacerbate the growth index, are given the will to decide sizes of their families vis-a-vis the prevailing economic conditions. Women education and empowerment are also pillars of hope in any nation claiming to be democratic. The benefits vested in properly educated women, far from the family spectacle, are greater than making technological advancements in space exploration. I dream of a society where quality education for all is not a monopolistic right, but a democratic right be-throned for all skins. A precious right to go to school and get knowledge until the brain can absorb no more.

Democracy begets equality. Espousing equality is tantamount to biblical wisdom of brotherliness. In many global family settings, gender equality is still as elusive as the idea of planet relocation in case of severe and intolerable warming. It is an issue everyone hates discuss. Think of societies where women and men work and earn; where both are equally privileged to hold property; where sexual orientation is not a determining factor in career preferences and where success is recognized regardless of hands that bring it. Such societies have many things in common: well knit and bonded families, adequate access to life basics in tangible and in non-tangible forms and the ability to make right decisions for informed causes. Thus, population problem is not really a problem where equality thrives.

Lastly, religion and population topics have lately been very controversial amongst all faiths. Religion terms as disrespect to God’s command of recreate and produce any measure taken to regulate the number of offspring man can have. In extreme cases, particular religious sects instinctively deny medical care upon children citing spiritual repercussions. As a Christian, I doubt religion is anaemic to human wellness.

Contraception and man has lately threatened to divide the church, with religious demigods battling to oust the scientific ideas of family planning. I am not an atheist, but I am never convinced to take sides with the church on the thorny issue of contraceptives. For one, large populations of people globally are damned in slums, strangled in all forms of life threatening conditions and humiliated by the tragedy of global warming. Overlooking such gross human travesties is indicative of spiritual degeneracy. Essence of religion is to nurture spiritual growth and this is achievable if man’s well-being is taken as a priority.

On a lighter note, the church should instead change tack and advocate for contraception, not only to protect a few from AIDS/HIV scourge, but to protect all humanity and life from the devastating effects of global warming. Such a time I would sing and dance hallelujah and prove to the world that I ain't a critic of the church.

On one part that the population growth menace will be tackled adequately, then the future life trajectory will be optimistic. On the contrary, the gods will decide as the global warming mitigation task requires actions, not sympathies. The world cannot afford to take chances or hesitate with billions of lives of people at risk, time is now to plan and procreate. Time is now to plan together or perish together. Global warming is real!